RGB Lighting

Best RGB Lighting for your PC in 2024

Best RGB Lighting for your PC in 2024

Customizing your PC with RGB lighting is more than just a trend, it’s a reflection of your style and mood.

With so many PC components and peripherals available today, RGB lighting has become common for enhancing the aesthetics of gaming rigs and workstations alike.

The vibrant colors and dynamic effects make each setup unique and can even be synchronized with games or music, creating an immersive experience.

Selecting the right RGB lighting for one’s PC in India requires a keen eye for quality, compatibility, and performance.

RGB lighting comes in various forms such as strips, case fans, RAM modules, and even on components like motherboards and graphics cards.

Compatibility with existing hardware and software ecosystems, like those provided by popular brands, ensures a smooth and seamless integration allowing for sync across all RGB components.

When contemplating a purchase, customers should consider the brightness levels, color accuracy, and customization options of RGB lighting.

The ease of installation, the durability of the adhesive in strips, and the availability of warranty or after-sales service are crucial factors to weigh.

Moreover, one must take into account the software provided for controlling the lighting—its interface should be user-friendly and provide ample customization options to tailor the lighting to one’s preference.

We have invested our efforts to test and identify the RGB lighting solutions that promise not only to illuminate your PC setup but also to elevate the entire computing experience with their dazzling effects and robust performance.

Top PC RGB Lighting Options in India

We understand the importance of aesthetics for your gaming setup or workstation, which is why we’ve put together a list of the best PC RGB lighting options available in India.

Whether you’re aiming for a subtle glow or an eye-catching display, our selection caters to every preference and budget. Let’s illuminate your PC’s in the dull dark with these brilliant choices.

XERGY LED Strip Lights

These XERGY RGB LED Strip Lights added a vibrant hue and warmth to our room, making it cozy and visually appealing.


  • Brightness and color selection enhance the viewing experience
  • Easy installation with plug-and-play USB connectivity
  • Bias lighting concept to reduce eye strain is thoughtful and effective


  • Adhesive backing may weaken over time, needing additional support
  • A remote would have been more convenient than the attached mini controller
  • In long-term use, the lights may not perform consistently

Ever since we put up the XERGY LED Strip Lights behind our TV and our PC, the ambiance has truly changed. The array of colors beautifully frames our screen, adding depth and contrast to our binge-watching sessions.

Its simple USB connection made it a breeze to set up, and we were adjusting the brightness and modes in no time.

The bias lighting is a game-changer – it subtly lights up the wall and reduces the strain on our eyes during those late-night movie marathons.

However, we had to press the mini controller’s buttons directly, which was a bit inconvenient. A remote would have been a nice touch to switch up the settings from across the room.

Initially, the adhesive felt strong, but after a couple of months in the hot and humid weather, it did start to peel off a little. A bit of extra tape fixed it, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re planning to install these lights. Despite this, the overall vibrant effect has made our entertainment setup look like something out of a magazine!

Tapo L900-5 Smart LED Strip

If you’re looking to jazz up your space with some colorful vibes, this smart LED strip from Tapo is a brilliant pick worth every rupee.


  • Easy setup with the Tapo app enhances user experience
  • Voice control with Alexa/Google Assistant is a delight for hands-free operation
  • Offers flexibility with its trimmable design and strong 3M adhesive backing


  • No physical remote – smartphone/app dependent
  • The need for an additional adapter if cut may add to the expense
  • Not water-resistant, so strictly for indoor use

Our home now flaunts a vibrant charm, thanks to the Tapo L900-5 Smart LED Strip. Its installation was a breeze — we stuck it along the borders of our gaming room and within minutes, the mood of the entire space was transformed. With the ability to cut it to the required length, we’ve customized it perfectly for our needs.

Controlling the lights has been incredibly convenient. The absence of a hub and using simple voice commands with our smart assistants means we can change settings without moving an inch.

Whether it’s a party or our own little gaming night, setting the right atmosphere is just a shout away. You have the trust of a brand like TP-Link on your side.

We found the app integration to be quite smooth, making the initial Wi-Fi setup and subsequent use no hassle at all.

Though it would have been nice to have a physical remote for guests who don’t have the app, we’re managing fine.

And while we wished to take the colorful display out to our balcony, the lack of water resistance meant we kept the fun indoors.

PESCA LED Strip Lighting

We think this PESCA LED lighting kit is a smart choice for gaming setups and mood lighting, offering versatility and energy efficiency.


  • Vibrant color options and multiple modes enhance the overall aesthetics of our space.
  • Installation is a breeze owing to the adhesive backing and flexible design.
  • Energy-efficient LEDs ensure that our electricity bills remain under check.


  • The adhesive might give way over time, necessitating an alternative fixing method.
  • Only 1 meter in length, which may be short for larger setups
  • The brightness and speed settings could be better to cater to specific user needs

We also outfitted our gaming rig with the PESCA USB 5V RGB LED Strip as a test, and the ambiance of our room has never felt more inviting.

The amount of color options and flash modes available allow us to customize our space according to our mood or the games we’re playing. It’s an instant mood lifter after a long day.

The ease with which we laid out the strip around our setup was impressive. The strip’s flexibility meant it could contour to all the curves of our desk and monitor without any hassle. The remote control made switching between settings a leisurely affair without having to leave our chair.

We did observe that after a few weeks, the strip’s adhesive became less effective. We had to look for alternate methods to secure it firmly in place. But that’s true for any adhesive, it wears down with time. At less than Rs. 500, its nothing much to complain for.

Moreover, since our monitor was larger than 28 inches, we felt a longer version would better suit our needs. Despite these minor setbacks, the PESCA RGB Lighting Kit is a vibrant addition we would recommend for smaller setups seeking a splash of color.

Buying Guide

Understanding RGB Lighting Types

Before we make a choice, it’s important for us to understand the different types of RGB lighting:

  • LED Strips: Flexible tapes with LED lights that can be mounted inside or outside your PC case.
  • RGB Fans: Fans with built-in RGB lighting for both aesthetic and cooling purposes.
  • RGB Coolers: CPU and GPU coolers that include RGB lighting for enhanced visual effect.

Key Features to Consider

When we are in the market for RGB lighting, these are the features we should focus on:

  1. Brightness and Colour Range: Brightness level and color palette can enhance the overall aesthetics of our PC. Look for options that offer a wide range of colors and brightness adjustments.
  2. Compatibility: Ensure the RGB lighting is compatible with our PC’s motherboard and its RGB software for seamless integration and control.
  3. Control Methods: Look for RGB lighting systems that come with a convenient control method, such as a dedicated remote or software control through our PC.
  4. Ease of Installation: Opt for RGB systems that are easy to install, with clear instructions and necessary mounting hardware included.

Quality and Durability

  • High-quality LEDs will generally last longer and provide consistent color and brightness over time. Durability is a factor we shouldn’t ignore.

Price Consideration

Value-basedBasic lighting features with good value
Mid-rangeEnhanced features and better durability
PremiumTop-notch brightness and color range
  • We should balance our budget with the features we desire, ensuring we get the best value for our money.

Frequently Asked Questions

When we’re setting up the perfect gaming rig or adding a bit of flair to our computer setups, it’s essential to understand the nuances of RGB lighting. Here, we address some common queries to help you make informed choices.

How can I select the ideal RGB lighting setup for my gaming setup in India?

To pick the perfect RGB lighting for our gaming setup, we look for compatibility with our existing hardware, the type of games we play, and the ambiance we wish to create. We also need to consider lighting control software options and the number of customizable zones. You can also integrate it all over your room and behind your TV.

What features should I look for while choosing RGB lighting for my PC?

We should prioritize features such as light intensity, color accuracy, and customizability. It’s also important to ensure our RGB lighting supports synchronization with other devices and software for an immersive experience. And that is what matters, the experience.

Which brands are recognized for offering top-quality RGB lighting for computers?

In India, brands like Corsair, Cooler Master, and Thermaltake have a reputation for providing high-quality RGB lighting solutions for computers. These brands offer various options with robust build quality and extensive customization capabilities. It might be hard to find them in India though at a reasonable price.

What should I consider when purchasing RGB strip lights for my gaming room?

We should look at the length of the strips, adhesive quality, and the ability to cut and extend them as per our room’s dimensions. Checking for compatibility with smart home systems is also advisable if we aim for integration beyond just our gaming setup.

Can RGB lighting be used for both room decoration and computer setups?

Yes, RGB lighting is versatile and can be used to enhance both our room decor and computer setups. By selecting the right placement, brightness, and color scheme, we can create a cohesive look that reflects our personal style. For example, I have integrated it in my home, in my PC setup and behind my OLED as well, all synchronised.

What are the benefits of using RGBW lights over standard RGB lights?

RGBW lights include an additional white diode. This offers us brighter and more natural white tones compared to standard RGB lights.

This can be especially useful when we need a cleaner, more accurate white light for tasks or ambiance.

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